Supplier Social Responsibility Code of Conduct_Sustainable Development_About Us_Goertek

尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!

Sustainable Development

Supplier Social Responsibility Code of Conduct

Goertek emphasizes the partnership with Suppliers. While performing the responsibilities of respecting employees and protecting the environment, the Company also expects its Suppliers to assume corresponding social responsibilities in terms of employee protection and respect as well as environmental protection. Goertek has formulated the “Suppliers’ Social Responsibility Code of Conduct” with reference to the RBA “Responsible Business Alliance Code of Conduct” and the requirements of relevant laws and regulations. All Goertek’s Suppliers and their downstream suppliers shall be aware of and execute the rules of corporate social responsibility as required by “Suppliers’ Social Responsibility Code of Conduct”, and ultimately make it throughout the entire supply chain.

Supplier Social Responsibility Code of Conduct of Goertek